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Curlew Lake's
Artificial Floating Wetlands
Once planted and placed into the water, the BioHaven® will serve as a sustainable habitat – providing valuable surface area for micro-organisms which are a critical part of the ecosystem and effectively removing water contaminants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, BOD, TSS, and propylene Glycol.

The extensive root growth of the floating wetlands creates more surface area for microbes to live. The microbes begin a "feeding frenzy" creating a residue known as Biofilm- a slimy textured film surrounding the roots. Algae and microbes both feed off excess nutrients. Creating more microbes eventually starves the algae of a food source.
Eight floating wetlands have been planted in Julian Bay of Curlew Lake. This bay offers a space for close monitoring and observation of the project's success.
Native plants such as Small Fruited Bulrush and Beaked Sedge were chosen for their past project success, resilience to wildlife, and strength against wave action on a lake.

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